Ways You Can Give
Family Promise of Southern Chester County helps children and their families experiencing homelessness achieve lasting self-sufficiency and stability by providing shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services.

If you are 70-1/2 or older you can direct money from your IRA to Family Promise of Southern Chester County. This is a great way to donate. The IRA provision allows for people 70-1/2 and older to direct up to $100,000 a year to a nonprofit organization and have it count toward their required minimum distribution. You can talk to your IRA administrator for more information. This would be a good way for you to support FPSCC. Click HERE for more information.

If your (or your spouse's) employer has a matching gift program, please consider using it when you donate. Each employer's matching rules are different - check with your HR department and select Family Promise of Southern Chester County to receive the matching gift.

Planned Giving:
You can give a charitable gift from your estate by naming Family Promise of Southern Chester County as a beneficiary in your will. Quite simply, by doing this, you pay us the ultimate compliment. Your planned giving tells us that FPSCC is a part of your family. We would be honored.
You can make Family Promise of Southern Chester County a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan,, or bank/securities account.